The Role of CEQA in Public Health
Thursday, December 4, 9am-4:30pm

UCLA Extension at Figueroa Courtyard
261 S. Figueroa St., Room 107
Los Angeles, California
Law 867   0.6 CEU
$350   Reg# U4830U
6 hours of MCLE credit available.
(Fee includes refreshments and course materials.
After November 20, fee increases to $375.)

From analyzing the health effects of poor air quality defined by Bakersfield Citizens for Local Control v. City of Bakersfield to cutting-edge litigation over food crops, public health is emerging as a central issue to be examined under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). But how are the specific risks posed by global warming, genetically engineered food, or contaminated soil to be addressed within CEQA's framework? This seminar evaluates trends concerning the hot CEQA topics of environmental setting, thresholds of significance, and mitigation measures as they relate to the substantive areas of air quality, global warming, water quality, health risk assessment, and soil contamination. A panel of experts explores the hazards of reconciling CEQA's dictates with the scientific, legal, and pragmatic challenges unique to each substantive area. No refund after November 26.

Seminar Speakers

Margaret Moore Sohagi, JD, President, The Sohagi Law Group, PLC; recognized authority on CEQA, NEPA, impact fees, rates, and charges; primary contributor to Funding Open Space Acquisitions Programs: A Guide for Local Agencies in California; co-author of Exactions and Impact Fees in California: A Comprehensive Study Guide to Policy, Practice, and the Law
Ken Bogdan, JD, is Environmental Counsel and Principal at Jones and Stokes. He specializes in analyzing issues regarding compliance with NEPA, CEQA, the federal and state Endangered Species Acts, and Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act. Mr. Bogdan is also co-author of The NEPA Book and the CEQA Deskbook (Solano Press) and has taught numerous NEPA, CEQA, ESA, and Wetlands Regulation courses throughout California.

To enroll Call (310) 825 - 9971 or go to
* For more information please call (310) 825-7885