Objective Design Standards Move Forward -- But Density Bonus Law Gets In The Way
by William Fulton on Oct 6, 2024
Cities are moving aggressively to adopt objective design standards, now required in reviewing housing projects. But developers can use the Density Bonus Law to end-run some of the standards.
Appellate court rules that bill exempting project from CEQA does not violate state constitution. Preservationists made the unsuccessful argument that the state cannot be trusted to implement the law constitutionally.
Governor Gavin Newsom called out Norwalk's recent decision to extend its ban on new homeless shelters, and the state has imposed the "builder's remedy"
Altogether the governor signed more than 40 planning and development bills, vetoing only one bill designed to encourage conversion of old office buildings to housing, apparently because off the labor standards contained in the bill.
California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara has implemented a one-year moratorium on insurance cancellations and non-renewals for about 750,000 homeowners impacted by recent wildfires
At this year's California APA Conference, San Pablo Community Development Director Libby Tyler will recount the rise of women planners in California--and discuss the challenges they, and all planners, still face.
Legislation includes everything expanding SB 9 to guardrails on builders remedy to clarifying how a housing element can be deemed compliant. About 15 planning and development bills remain on the governor's desk.
The redevelopment plan for Candlestick Point, a 280-acre site on San Francisco’s waterfront, recently received initial approval from the city’s Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure