California Coastal Commission
The primary mission of the Commission is to plan for and regulate land and water uses in the coastal zone consistent with the policies of the Coastal Act.

California Codes and State Constitution
Searchable directory of currently active California Codes, Statutes, and the State Constitution.

California Department of Finance

California Department of Finance, Demographics Research Unit

California Dept of Housing & Community Development

California Energy Commission

California Legislative Information
The official California legislative information site, including daily updates, and the status & text of Senate & Assembly Bills.

California Lobbyists Directory Searchable lists of California lobbyists, lobbying firms, lobbyist employers, and changes to the lobbyist directory.

California Resources Agency

California State Assembly
Includes downloadable audio of the day's proceedings.

California State Senate

Governor's Office

Governor's Office of Planning and Research

Legislative Analyst's Office
Provides fiscal and policy advice to the California Legislature.

Little Hoover Commission

Opinions of the California Supreme Court & Courts of Appeal
Opinions available in .PDF or .DOC format.