
CP&DR Marks 20 Years

Vol. 21 No. 11 Nov 2006

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Trends, Issues Evolve Over Time But State's Planning System Remains Unchanged

Vol. 21 No. 11 Nov 2006

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Governor Says Yes to Some Land Use Legislation

Legislation, Vol. 21 No. 11 Nov 2006

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Familiar Issues Find New Homes As Growth Moves Inland

Environment Watch, Vol. 21 No. 11 Nov 2006

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Sutter County Use Permit Denial Ruled A Violation Of Federal Law

Vol. 21 No. 11 Nov 2006

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Court Rejects CEQA Exemption For Minor Monterey Water Transfer

Vol. 21 No. 11 Nov 2006

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Forward To The Past: Urban Planners Seduced By New Urbanism

Trends, Vol. 21 No. 11 Nov 2006

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50 Famous Names Versus The Urban Village

Places, Vol. 21 No. 11 Nov 2006

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Schwartzenegger Rejects Numerous Land Use Bills

Legislation, Vol. 21 No. 11 Nov 2006

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Small Town Redevelopment Plan Dies In Humboldt County

Redevelopment Watch, Vol. 21 No. 11 Nov 2006

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