Winter and Spring Course Highlights:
A Low Impact Design Approach to Storm Water Management
Annual Land Use Law Review and Update
Annual Water Law Update
CEQA Update, Issues and Trends
Clean Water Act Section 404: Nationwide and Other Specialized Permits
Conjunctive Use of Groundwater and Surface Water
Effective Code Enforcement Programs: Development and Implementation
Endangered Species Regulation Protection
Environmental Issues on the Farm: An Overview of Problems and Solutions for Production Agriculture
Environmental Review of California Water Projects: Legal Requirements, Approaches and Techniques
GIS Data Development and Integration
Green Architecture
Green Building Materials and Construction Methods
Implementing Planning Law
Improving Public Transportation: Principles and Strategies
Making Effective Use of Mitigated Negative Declarations
Planning for Rural Community Sustainability
Planning in California: An Overview and Update
Project Planning: Integration of Environmental Permits
Role of the Planning Commissioner
Surface Mining and Reclamation Act
Thresholds of Significance in Environmental Planning
Urban Planning Design Studio
Urban Site Design
Water Resources Planning and Urban Growth

For a complete list of course offerings visit

2008 Spring Conference:
Climate Change: A Regional Perspective of a Global Issue
This two-day conference will explore how climate change is affecting the environment and what society can do—and is doing—to minimize the negative effects. Experts from the scientific and public health fields, planners, decision makers and water resources professionals will discuss topics such as air quality, transportation, land use planning and the best practices cities and counties have adopted to combat this global issue.

Reserve your space today!

Click here to learn more or to enroll.