The guiding goals of the Reedley Specific Plan: 1. New development (residential, commercial and public) in the planning area shall be designed in a way that creates fully integrated neighborhoods with a variety of land uses arranged so that access by walking or bicycling is possible and encouraged. 2. New development in the planning area shall be designed on a pedestrian scale, as opposed to the automobile scale. 3. Urban growth shall be planned and executed in a manner that minimizes impacts on agriculture and the consumption of agricultural land. 4. Development in the planning area shall occur in a fashion that protects and enhances air quality and water quality. 5. New development shall be designed to focus activity in the public realm of the street, as opposed to the private realm. 6. Public open space shall be made an integral part of new development in the planning area. 7. Development in the planing area shall be designed in a fashion that maximizes energy efficiency. 8. Development in the planning area shall follow the concepts presented in the Ahwahnee Principles and the Landscape of Choice document.