Book Review


The Best Parking Book Since Donald Shoup

Book Reviews, Donald Shoup, Henry Grabar, Los Angeles, Parking

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Book Review: Why We Can't Have Nice Things

Book Reviews, Climate Change, Infrastructure

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Summer Book Roundup, 2021

Book Reviews

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Q&A: Josh Stephens on California's Challenges, Disappointments, and Delights

The Urban Mystique

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Exploring California's Urban Mystique

Books, California , Cities, Los Angeles

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YIMBYism's Golden Moment

Bay Area, Housing, YIMBY

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How Los Angeles Landed Its First Olympics

Los Angeles, Olympics

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Inadvertent Praise For California's Environmental Ethic

Bureau of Land Management, CEQA, Forest Service

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Considering the Revival of Public Space

Public Space

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The Social Importance of Public Spaces

Book Reviews, Public Space

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What I Learned on The City Council


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Book Review: Navigating the California Coastal Act

Book reviews, CA, Solano Books

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